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Blog - The Indus Way
Find everything you want to know about our healthy cookware, food you can make in different cookware, recipes, kitchen hacks & more!
The Indus Valley Kitchenware - The Best Healthy Cookware For You
Find out which healthy cookware range will suit your daily cooking needs. It's important to understand that simply having...
CLAYTURE - Product Launch
Check out our exclusive clay kitchenware brand - Clayture. 🍚 Find an amazing variety of earthy products 👌 - Clay...
Clay Cookware - Usage & Care
Using clay cookware is quite healthy and gives your dishes a nice, earthy flavor. Well done if you have purchased...
Top 8 Benefits of Cooking in Earthenware Vessels
8 Great Reason to Cook in Earthenware Pots: The Earthenware pots used to be an intrinsic part of the...
CLAY FOR HEALTH: Clay products for your health
Have you ever wondered how our grandparents or great grandparents use to cook…? In earlier days, cooking was done with...
Biggest Fear while buying Clay Cookware pots is whether the Clay pots are Safe? In this article we have addressed...
Is It Safe To Cook In Clay Pots?
Everyone seems to be talking praise of clay pot cooking. Earthen cookware is ancient and can be traced back to...
How Does A Clay Bottle Keep The Water Cool?
Have you ever had a drink of cool refreshing water from The Indus Valley’s Clay Water Bottle? You will be...